PROOF that TARDIS Roundels are MEAT STORAGE (real secrets inside)
THE TRUTH about TARDIS Roundels that the BBC doesnt want U to KNOW!!!
after EXTENSIVE research in my Blender (the 3d one not the food one), i have PROOF that every TARDIS roundel is actually a Temporal Meat Storage Unit!! dont believe me?? look at these FACTS:
1. roundels are ROUND like meat
2. they GLOW because meat gives off ENERGY
3. theyre EVERYWHERE in the TARDIS because u need LOTS of meat for time
4. the Tenth Doctor touched them the Most because he had HIGHEST meat
5. companions get Weird after long exposure because of the MEAT
6. the Thirteenth Doctor didnt touch them much because she was
7. the Master keeps trying to STEAL the meat (this is the real reason
for the TIME WAR)
i have made 156 high-poly models proving this . no textures because textures are for COWARDS who cant handle the TRUTH
if the BBC comes after me for this.. your already too late. the meat knows. and its AGED to PERFECTION