PROOF that i can Make BETTER Doctor who than the BBC (in blender)
MY doctor who WILL be BETTER than the BBC's
listen up meat lovers... i have been working on doctor who in blender for 2 whole weeks now. the BBC keeps ignoring my emails about buying the rights but JOKES ON THEM. my models are SO high poly that reality itself will bend to my will
IMPORTANT UPDATE: have created 387 daleks now. each one has MORE polygons than the last.... my GPU is screaming but thats how you know its Working
- tardis (blue octagon)
- sonic screwdriver (the pointy thing)
- 387 daleks (very angular. no textures needed when you have 8 million
polygons PER EYESTALK)
- jodie whittaker's entire face (9 billion triangles)
- k9 but with meat textures
- the fourth doctor's scarf (finally finished. 14 million vertices)
- that one cyberman from that one episode (the good one)
still working on:
- david tennant's hair (crashed blender 14 times now)
- making the tardis less octagon (added more vertices but now its a
- animating all 387 daleks saying EXTERMINATE at once (my computer keeps
catching fire)
anyways the BBC better watch out... once i figure out how to make the tardis stop being a perfect dodecahedron its OVER for them. and NO i will NOT use textures. textures are for COWARDS who cant handle Real Geometry
disclaimer: no GPUs were harmed in the making of these models (they deserved it)